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When we say we take insurance personally, we mean it. You are an individual and your needs are unique.

While bigger companies might treat you like a statistical risk, we will look at your life and design the cover that fits you like a favourite glove.

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Life Insurance

It would be nice to live forever but we’re still waiting for medical science to catch up on that one. Until then, we have to ask ourselves, “how would I want my family to live if I were no longer here to help provide for them?” 

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Trauma Insurance

It’s very human to take your good health for granted. But if you want to be sure, you should always plan for the unexpected. Major illness is tough to deal with, nobody needs the added financial impact that comes with it.

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Health and Medical Insurance

Quality of life hinges on health first. Everything else flows on from there. Imsure health and medical insurance meets the costs of various private medical procedures and treatments. These include surgery, cancer treatment, diagnostic imaging and tests, medical hospitalisation, specialist consultations, home nursing, treatment away from home and treatment overseas.

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Income and Mortgage Protection

We work to put food on the table, clothes on our backs and to look after the ones we love. If for some reason you are unable to work, thats where we step up, to make sure you are still covered. imsure income and mortgage protection insurance pays a regular benefit if you can’t work in your own occupation because of illness or injury. 

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Total Permanent Disability

Sometimes we have to think about the unthinkable. Otherwise known as “The big what if?” What if a bolt from the blue meant that you were permanently disabled? How would that affect your day-to-day life and the lives of those that rely upon you?

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Level premiums vs annual increases

Did you know that you can have insurance where the premiums stay the same year after year? Imsure offers you the choice. Ask us about level premiums today.

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